Here at Oswestry Dental Laboratory we provide two flexible denture materials.
The fully flexible Valplast dentures have been made here since 2008 and is a fantastic solution for a partial appliance. The Valplast flexible partial is an unbreakable, removable partial that many people find very comfortable. These lightweight partials are practically invisable and completely eliminate the unsightly metal clasps. The Semi-Flexible Vertex dentures have been made here since 2014. Vertex Thermosens is extremely strong which makes your denture virtually unbreakable. Vertex Thermosens is ideally suited to patients unwilling or unable to accept materials that could result in allergic reactions. As with the Valplast dentures they are monomer free. Vertex Thermosens is virtually unbreakable and provides an excellent fit due to the lack of volume shrinkage. Vertex Thermosens offers the patient 15 different colour bases which enables you to match the shade to the patients natural tissue. All of these colours remain stable while wearing, even after a long period of time.